5 Ways To Make Your Bathroom Looks Bigger
A bathroom can be a place which you can spend time alone and able to relax and clear your mind. However, how to makes your bathroom looks wide and feels comfortable is the point. Let's see what can we do for the bathroom.

Yes, you can try to put a big mirror or multi mirror maybe 2-3 pieces inside your bathroom to make it looks more spaces. A mirror will reflect the opposite wall painting or graphics, feels cozy.

We can try to challenge something new, like proper use of the corner space to design a washbasin area. You can put some rack on the wall to store your stuff, looks clean and unique.

Nowadays, lots of bathrooms are in wet and dry separation. You can use the waterproof curtain or glass shower screen or door to do a separate. It not only prevents the water splash out but also looks wide.

We like a clean, tidy and fragrant smell bathroom. You can know the owner's taste by their bathroom design and decor items. Decor items can be scented candles, customized bottle or use ladder to be towel hanger or put some plants to make the whole bathroom looks natural.

For a small bathroom design sliding door will more useful than swing door as you can save the spaces needed. Now have lots of design of the sliding door like the wood material or customized it.
Lastly, if you have time can try to decorate your bathroom to make it looks new and bigger. If you have any ideas or looking for renovation try to contact us now