KL Hiking Spots Nearby Vacation Homes(Airbnb)
Nowadays, most teenagers and even elders like to go hiking during the weekend. Close to the natural environment and also good for health....

AIRBNB Staycation In Cheras
Cheras, our first impression is the traffic jam. However, there are quite a few shopping malls, and local markets we are quite familiar...

每个人都梦想着属于自己的房屋,也期待着房屋交接的那一天。那交接后要做些什么呢?以下列出了几点,供你参考 1.检查屋漏 发展商一般给屋主的申报期限约 18个月至24个月。屋主可自备笔,贴纸等以备不时之需。一般要注意的是 - 墙壁是否有裂痕 - 门或窗是否有缝隙 - 油漆不均匀...

AIRBNB 房产投资注意事项
自从马来西亚边境开放,海外投资者陆续来到大马置产,尤其环绕在吉隆坡市中心的高级公寓。近年来AIRBNB (短租) 盛行,间接促使海外投资者倾向于短租的出租模式来获取每月收益。以下列出了几个注意事项供你参考: 1.地理位置...